Syed Assad
Preprints & Publications
Quantum-optimal information encoding using noisy passive linear optics
Verifying the security of a continuous variable quantum communication protocol via quantum metrology
Verifying the security of a continuous variable quantum communication protocol via quantum metrology
Testing the postulates of quantum mechanics with coherent states of light and homodyne detection
Enhancing quantum teleportation efficacy with noiseless linear amplification
A new entropic quantum correlation measure for adversarial systems
Discriminating mixed qubit states with collective measurements
On the equivalence between squeezing and entanglement potential for two-mode Gaussian states
Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms
Testing the postulates of quantum mechanics with coherent states of light and homodyne detection
12.6 dB squeezed light at 1550 nm from a bow-tie cavity for long-term high duty cycle operation
On the equivalence between squeezing and entanglement potential for two-mode Gaussian states