Peter Sidajaya
Preprints & Publications
Beating one bit of Communication with Quantum Correlations in Smaller Dimension
Peter Sidajaya, Valerio Scarani, Physical Review A, 109, 062408 (2024)
Neural Network Approach to the Simulation of Entangled States with One Bit of Communication
Peter Sidajaya, Aloysius Dewen Lim, Baichu Yu, Valerio Scarani, Quantum, 7, 1150 (2023)
Maxwell’s Demon walks into Wall Street: Stochastic Thermodynamics meets Expected Utility Theory
Andres F. Ducuara, Paul Skrzypczyk, Francesco Buscemi, Peter Sidajaya, Valerio Scarani, Physical Review Letters, 131, 197103 (2023)
Possibility of detecting the gravity of an object frozen in a spatial superposition by the Zeno effect
Peter Sidajaya, Wan Cong, Valerio Scarani, Physical Review A, 106, 042217 (2022)