Oh Choo Hiap
Oh Choo Hiap obtained his BSc (First Class Hons) and PhD in physics in 1969 and 1972, respectively, from the University of Otago, New Zealand. For his PhD, he studied high energy physics, which relates to the study of the smallest constituents of matter. Choo Hiap has been with NUS since 1983, serving as Head of the Physics Department from 2000 to 2006. During this time he recruited various researchers in the field of quantum information, laying the foundation for CQT, of which he is a founding member. ?His recent research is mainly on the fundamentals of quantum information science and the multiparticle phenomenology; he is a Fellow od American Physical Society.?He was awarded an Emeritus Professorship by NUS in 2016.
Preprints & Publications
Nearly deterministic preparation of the perfect W state with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities
Nearly deterministic Fredkin gate based on weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities
Separability criteria with angular and Hilbert space averages
Deterministic remote two-qubit state preparation in dissipative environments
Effect of weak measurement on entanglement distribution over noisy channels
Hardy’s paradox and measurement-disturbance relations
Robust quantum metrological schemes based on protection of quantum Fisher information
Majorana transport in superconducting nanowire with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings
Local discrimination of four or more maximally entangled states
Floquet control of quantum dissipation in spin chains
Local discrimination of qudit lattice states via commutativity
Dynamics of quantum correlation between separated nitrogen-vacancy centers embedded in plasmonic waveguide
Two infinite families of nonadditive quantum error-correcting codes
Complete condition for nonzero quantum correlation in continuous variable systems
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with rapidly vibrating atom
Dissipative creation of three-dimensional entangled state in optical cavity via spontaneous emission
Linearity of quantum probability measure and Hardy
Test of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering Based on the All-Versus-Nothing Proof
Dynamical signature of the edge state in the 1D Aubry–Andr? model
One-step implementation of the genuine Fredkin gate in high-Q coupled three-cavity arrays
Quantum computation in the decoherence-free subspaces with cavity QED
Test of Genuine Multipartite Nonlocality without Inequalities
Stationary three-dimensional entanglement via dissipative Rydberg pumping
One-step achievement of robust multipartite Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state and controlled-phase gate via Rydberg interaction
Simulating Zeno physics by a quantum quench with superconducting circuits
Topological quantum phase transitions in the spin-singlet superconductor with Rashba and Dresselhaus (110) spin-orbit couplings
Spin operator and entanglement in quantum field theory
Canonical versus noncanonical equilibration dynamics of open quantum systems
Improved error-tradeoff and error-disturbance relations in terms of measurement error components
Phase transition of light in circuit-QED lattices coupled to nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
Quantum error correction assisted by two-way noisy communication
Long range universal quantum computation in large-size coupled cavity array independent of cavity number
Quantum contextuality for a relativistic spin-1/2 particle
Preservation of quantum correlation between separated nitrogen-vacancy centers embedded in photonic crystal cavities
Majorana fermions in s-wave noncentrosymmetric superconductor with Dresselhaus (110) spin-orbit coupling
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger paradoxes from qudit graph states
Intrinsic dynamical fluctuation assisted symmetry breaking in adiabatic following
All the stabilizer codes of distance 3
Broadcasting quantum Fisher information
Generating many Majorana modes via periodic driving: A superconductor model
Anomalous decoherence in a dissipative two-level system
All-Versus-Nothing Proof of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering
Detecting Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering for Continuous Variable Wavefunctions
Frozen Gaussian quantum discord in photonic crystal cavity array system
Effect of complex inter-site couplings on the excitation energy transfer in the FMO complex
Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling in Two-Level Cold Atoms
Testing Leggett’s Inequality Using Aharonov-Casher Effect
Quantum Error-Correcting Codes over Mixed Alphabets
Detecting and Estimating Continuous-Variable Entanglement by Local Orthogonal Observables
Dynamical fluctuations in classical adiabatic processes: General description and their implications
State-Independent Proof of Kochen-Specker Theorem with 13 Rays
Simulating Z2 topological insulators with cold atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice
Quantum phase transition of two-mode Bose-Einstein condensates with an entanglement order parameter
Quantifying correlations via the Wigner-Yanase skew information
Strongly interacting photons in asymmetric quantum well via resonant tunneling
Excitation energy transfer in light-harvesting systems: effect of the initial state
Quantum discord of a three-qubit W-class state in noisy environments
Quantum simulation of an artificial Abelian gauge field using nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles coupled to superconducting resonators
Quantum contextuality in a one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator
Singularity of dynamical maps
Hierarchy of measurement-induced Fisher information for composite states
Geometric entangling gates for coupled cavity system in decoherence-free subspaces
All Entangled Pure States Violate a Single Bell’s Inequality
Bell nonlocality in conventional and topological quantum phase transitions
Transparency or spectral narrowing for two-mode squeezing and entanglement
High ef?ciency tomographic reconstruction of quantum states by quantum nondemolition measurements
Detecting full N-particle entanglement in arbitrarily-high-dimensional systems with Bell-type inequalities
Testing tripartite Mermin inequalities by spectral joint measurements of qubits
Alternative non-Markovianity measure by divisibility of dynamical maps
Probing half-odd topological number with cold atoms in a non-Abelian optical lattice
Converting zitterbewegung oscillation to directed motion
Entanglement distribution over the subsystems and its invariance
Quantum discord of two-qubit X-states
Effects of uncertainties and errors on a Lyapunov control
Time-delay effects and simplified control fields in quantum Lyapunov control
Detecting the quantum discord of an unknown state by a single observable
Quantum dynamics and quantum state transfer between separated nitrogen-vacancy centers embedded in photonic crystal cavities
Observable estimation of entanglement of formation and quantum discord for bipartite mixed quantum states
Quantum phase transition in the delocalized regime of the spin-boson model
Driven Dirac-like equation via mirror oscillation: Controlled cold-atom Zitterbewegung
Non-Markovian effect on the geometric phase of a dissipative qubit
Dynamics of quantum-classical hybrid systems: Effect of matter-wave pressure
Quantum entanglement distribution with hybrid parity gate
Quantum entanglement, unitary braid representation and Temperley-Lieb algebra
Non-Markovian effects on quantum-communication protocols
Entangling gates for local spin qubits by using electric current
Fault-Tolerant Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger Paradox Based on Non-Abelian Anyons
Decoherence suppression of a dissipative qubit by the non-Markovian effect
Control of tripod-scheme cold-atom wavepackets by manipulating a non-Abelian vector potential
Joint measurement of two unsharp observables of a qubit
Improving noise threshold for optical quantum computing with the EPR photon source
Mechanism of entanglement preservation
Geometric phase gate with trapped ions in thermal motion by adiabatic passage
Geometric Entangling Gates in Decoherence-Free Subspaces with Minimal Requirements
Optical rotation of heavy hole spins by non-Abelian geometrical means
Breakdown of the dipole blockade with a zero-area phase-jump pulse
Driving quantum systems into decoherence-free subspaces by Lyapunov control
Remote preparation of arbitrary two- and three-qubit states
Exact decoherence dynamics of a single-mode optical field
Giant cross-Kerr nonlinearity in carbon nanotube quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling
Quantum-information processing with a single photon by an input-output process with respect to low-Q cavities
All-optical imprinting of geometric phases onto matter waves
Fractional spin Hall effect in atomic Bose gases
Nongeometric multiqubit conditional phase gates by adiabatic evolution for trapped ions
Entanglement oscillation and survival induced by non-Markovian decoherence dynamics of the entangled squeezed state
Remote preparation of a three-particle state via positive operator-valued measurement
Quantum gate operations in the decoherence-free subspace of superconducting quantum-interference devices
Effective Hamiltonian approach to open systems and its applications
Graphical nonbinary quantum error-correcting codes
Universal quantum computation with trapped ions in thermal motion by adiabatic passage
Correlation-function Bell inequality with improved visibility for three qubits
Repeat-until-success distributed quantum computation by using single-photon interference at a beam splitter
Nonadditive quantum error-correcting code
Bell inequalities for three particles
Examination of the adiabatic approximation in open systems
Geometric phase induced by quantum nonlocality
Wave function engineering and circulating spin current in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
Quantum spin current induced through optical dipole transition process in semiconductors
Manipulating atomic states via optical orbital angular-momentum
Nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation
Unconventional geometric quantum computation in a two-mode cavity
Scheme for unconventional geometric quantum computation in cavity QED
Effects of a squeezed-vacuum reservoir on geometric phase
Adiabatic approximation in open systems: an alternative approach
Quantum nonlocality of four-qubit entangled states
Sufficiency Criterion for the Validity of the Adiabatic Approximation
Geometric phase in open systems: Beyond the Markov approximation and weak-coupling limit
Violating Bell inequalities maximally for two d-dimensional systems
Quantum nonlocality of N-qubit W state
Multi-component Bell inequality and its violation for continuous-variable systems
Continuous multipartite entangled state in the Wigner representation and violation of Zukowski-Brunker inequality
Quantitative conditions do not guarantee the validity of the adiabatic approximation
Gisin’s theorem for three qubits
Quantum nonlocality of Heisenberg XX model with site-dependent coupling strength
Asymmetric multipartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states and Bell inequalities
Kinematic approach to off-diagonal geometric phases of nondegenerate and degenerate mixed
Operator-sum representation of time-dependent density operators
General formalism of Hamiltonians for realizing a prescribed evolution of a qubit
Relation between the geometric phases of the entangled biparticle system and their subsystems
Creation, manipulation and detection of Majorana fermions with cold atoms in optical lattice
Quantum contextuality and joint measurement of three observables of a qubit
Optimal joint measurement of two observables of a qubit
Improved Error-Tradeoff and Error-Disturbance Relations
Robust Quantum Metrological Schemes