Dimitris G. Angelakis
Dimitris G. Angelakis completed his PhD in quantum optics with Sir Peter Knight FRS at Imperial College London supported by the Greek State Scholarship Foundation. His PhD work in quantum light-matter interactions received the Valerie Myerscough prize in 2000, and also the Institute of Physics UK prize in 2002. In 2001 and at age 25 he was elected college research Fellow at University of Cambridge (St Catharine’s JRF) and worked in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics until 2007. A year after his move to Cambridge, the Centre for Quantum Computation in Cambridge was initiated by Artur Ekert, where he joined to work in implementations of quantum simulation and computation. He joined CQT at its inception in 2008 as a Principal Investigator after being a regular visitor and collaborator of the NUS quantum group since 2003. He is known among others for his pioneering work in quantum simulators using light-matter systems as well as qubit efficient quantum algorithms for industrial application with NISQ processors. He received the Google Quantum Innovation Prize in 2018.
Preprints & Publications
Computing Electronic Correlation Energies using Linear Depth Quantum Circuits
Exponential Qubit Reduction in Optimization for Financial Transaction Settlement
Qubit efficient quantum algorithms for the vehicle routing problem on quantum computers of the NISQ era
Unsupervised learning of quantum many-body scars using intrinsic dimension
Landscape approximation of low-energy solutions to binary optimization problems
Signatures of a sampling quantum advantage in driven quantum many-body systems
Topological data analysis and machine learning
Unravelling quantum chaos using persistent homology
Landscape approximation of low energy solutions to binary optimization problems
Shallow quantum circuits for efficient preparation of Slater determinants and correlated states on a quantum computer
Fock State-enhanced Expressivity of Quantum Machine Learning Models
Dark soliton detection using persistent homology
Nonlinear signatures of Floquet band topology
Nonlinear compact localized modes in flux-dressed octagonal-diamond lattice
Explainable Natural Language Processing with Matrix Product States
Boosting Topological Zero Modes Using Elastomer Waveguide Arrays
Persistent homology analysis of a generalized Aubry-Andre-Harper model
Qubit-efficient encoding schemes for binary optimisation problems
Quantum supremacy and quantum phase transitions
Photonic band structure design using persistent homology
Quantum transient heat transport in the hyper-parametric oscillator
Nonlinear Bloch wave dynamics in photonic Aharonov—Bohm cages
Gradient catastrophe of nonlinear photonic valley-Hall edge pulses
Qubit-efficient encoding schemes for binary optimisation problems
The Dirac equation in 2+1 dimensional gravity with classical electromagnetic background, the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect and coupled waveguide arrays
Expressibility and trainability of parameterized analog quantum systems for machine learning applications
Hidden Order in Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Driven-Dissipative Nonlinear Photonic Lattices
Discrete time crystal in globally driven interacting quantum systems without disorder
Strongly correlated photon transport in nonlinear photonic lattice with disorder: Probing signatures of the localization transition
Quantum state transfer via acoustic edge states in a 2D optomechanical array
Floquet stroboscopic divisibility: coherence preservation in non-Markovian dynamics
Many-body physics with photons and polaritons
Diagrammatic Approach to Multiphoton Scattering
Tunable Polarons in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Spectroscopic signatures of localization with interacting photons in superconducting qubits
Beyond mean-field bistability in driven-dissipative lattices: Bunching-antibunching transition and quantum simulation
Semiclassical bifurcations and topological phase transitions in a one-dimensional lattice of coupled Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models
Topological pumping of photons in nonlinear resonator arrays
Dirac equation in 2-dimensional curved spacetime, particle creation, and coupled waveguide arrays
Driven open quantum systems and Floquet stroboscopic dynamics
Many-body physics and quantum simulations with light
Detecting the degree of macroscopic quantumness using an overlap measurement
Photonic lattice simulation of dissipation-induced correlations in bosonic systems
Quantum simulation of superexchange magnetism in linear ion crystals
Experimental simulation of charge conservation violation and Majorana dynamics
Quantum plasmonic excitation in graphene and loss-insensitive propagation
Few-photon transport in many-body photonic systems: A scattering approach
Few-Photon Transport in Nonlinear Cavity Arrays: Probing Signatures of Strongly Correlated States
Optical simulation of charge conservation violation and Majorana dynamics
Probing the effect of interaction in Anderson localization using linear photonic lattices
Multi-setting Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger theorem
Probing the topological properties of the Jackiw-Rebbi model with light
Towards topological effects with coupled QED cavity arrays
Multisetting Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger theorem
Quantum simulations
Mimicking interacting relativistic theories with stationary pulses of light
Proposal for realization of the Majorana equation in a tabletop experiment
Repulsively induced photon super-bunching in driven resonator arrays
Robust-to-loss entanglement generation using a quantum plasmonic nanoparticle array
Realizing the driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation with stationary light
Frozen photons in Jaynes Cummings arrays
Quantum simulation of neutrino oscillations with trapped ions
Dynamics of quantum light in integrated nonlinear waveguide arrays and generation of robust continuous variable entanglement
Sine-Gordon and Bose-Hubbard dynamics with photons in a hollow-core fiber
Spinons and Holons with Polarized Photons in a Nonlinear Waveguide
Non-equilibrium many-body effects in driven nonlinear resonator arrays
Probing the BCS-BEC crossover with photons in a nonlinear optical fiber
Fluctuations assisted stationary entanglement in driven quantum systems
Luttinger Liquid of Photons and Spin-Charge Separation in Hollow-Core Fibers
Correlations and thermalization in driven cavity arrays
Coherent control of steady state entanglement in driven cavity arrays
A single-interaction step implementation of a quantum search in coupled micro-cavities
Steady state entanglement between hybrid light-matter qubits under classical driving
Weaving light-matter qubits into a one way quantum computer
Heralded generation of two-photon polarization entanglement with coupled cavities
Fractional Quantum Hall state in coupled cavities
Reproducing spin lattice models in strongly coupled atom-cavity systems
Simulation of high-spin Heisenberg models in coupled cavities
Many body effects and cluster state quantum computation in strongly interacting systems of photons
Photon blockade induced Mott transitions and XY spin models in coupled cavity arrays
A proposal for the implementation of quantum gates with photonic-crystal coupled cavity waveguides
Transfer of a Polaritonic Qubit through a Coupled Cavity Array
Generation and verification of high-dimensional entanglement from coupled-cavity arrays
Implementing universal quantum gates in coupled cavities
Realizing topological relativistic dynamics with slow light polaritons at room temperature
Many-Body Physics and Quantum Simulations with Strongly Interacting Photons
Nanoscale Quantum Optics
Quantum supremacy with analog quantum processors for material science and machine learning
Quantum state transfer via acoustic edge states in a 2D optomechanical array
Towards Semantic Interoperability in Historical Research: Documenting Research Data and Knowledge with Synthesis
Efficiently Extracting Multi-Point Correlations of a Floquet Thermalized System
Shallow quantum circuits for efficient preparation of Slater determinants and correlated states on a quantum computer