Dai Jibo
Preprints & Publications
Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions
Gleb Maslennikov, Ding Shiqian, Roland Hablutzel, Jaren Gan, Alexandre Roulet, Stefan Nimmrichter, Dai Jibo, Valerio Scarani, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Nature Communications, 10, 202 (2019)
Unambiguous path discrimination in a two-path interferometer
Len Yink Loong, Dai Jibo, Berge Englert, Leonid A. Krivitsky, Physical Review A, 98, 022110 (2018)
The power of an optical Maxwell demon
Angeline Shu Sze Yi, Dai Jibo, Valerio Scarani, Physical Review A, 95, 022123 (2017)
Past of a quantum particle revisited
Berge Englert, Kelvin Horia, Dai Jibo, Len Yink Loong, Ng Hui Khoon, Physical Review A, 96, 022126 (2017)
Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator
Stefan Nimmrichter, Dai Jibo, Alexandre Roulet, Valerio Scarani, Quantum, 1, 37 (2017)
Initial system-bath state via the maximum-entropy principle
Dai Jibo, Len Yink Loong, Ng Hui Khoon, Physical Review A, 94, 052112 (2016)
Rectification of light in the quantum regime
Dai Jibo, Alexandre Roulet, Le Huy Nguyen, Valerio Scarani, Physical Review A, 92, 063848 (2015)
Experimental detection of entanglement with optimal-witness families
Dai Jibo, Len Yink Loong, Teo Yong Siah, Berge Englert, Leonid A. Krivitsky, Physical Review Letters, 113, 170402 (2014)
Controllable generation of mixed two-photon states
Dai Jibo, Len Yink Loong, Teo Yong Siah, Leonid A. Krivitsky, Berge Englert, New Journal of Physics, 15, 063011 (2013)