
Alexander Ling

Professor Alexander Ling is a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Quantum Technologies, and a member of the Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore. He was previously Chief Scientific Officer for the National Quantum Office, and Director of the Quantum Engineering Programme. In 2024, he was named as a Distinguished International Associate of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering. His research interests are in global quantum networks enabled with satellites, repeaters and memories. He is also co-founder of two quantum technology spinoffs.

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A pie chart showing the count of papers with CQT co-authors in 2024 by journal impact factor

Publications by CQT researchers during 2024 by journal impact factor (IF)​

A pie chart showing the nationality of CQTians by region of the world.

Nationalities of CQT staff and students as of 31 Dec 2024​

A pie chart showing the count of CQTians by categories

Count of CQT staff and students as of 31 Dec 2024​

*Admin count includes only staff directly employed within the Centre. HR, IT and procurement is supported by additional staff working across University centres.