Valerio Scarani Group

Valerio Scarani joined NUS and CQT in 2007. He was born in Milan, Italy, in 1972. At the moment of choosing his university degree, he opted for physics with the grand dream of understanding the world. After graduating from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 1996, he heard about the birth of quantum information science, but the complexities of life led him to a pragmatic PhD thesis in the same university. So he spent the next four years of his life detecting insanely broad NMR spectra from magnetic nanostructures. He was lucky enough to be given a second chance in the year 2000, when Nicolas Gisin offered him a postdoc at the University of Geneva, to work on theoretical quantum information. His luck persists to this day.
Valerio Scarani Group
We are a research group working on theoretical physics. Our projects are motivated by questions like: what is the meaning of entropy? why are the outcomes of measurements not pre-established? Finding bridges between mathematics and experimental evidence is one of our joys; occasionally, we even check if what we do may be useful. We are committed to enjoying our work and to promote respectful dialogue, be it inside the group, with our colleagues at CQT, or with the scientific community at large.
Group Members
Recent papers
Maximal intrinsic randomness of a quantum state
Observational entropy with general quantum priors
Certification of genuine multipartite entanglement in spin ensembles with measurements of total angular momentum
Beating one bit of Communication with Quantum Correlations in Smaller Dimension