Manas Mukherjee Group

Manas Mukherjee Group
Our group uses trapped and laser cooled ions for quantum information processing in a broad sense. This system allows a co-existence of both well isolated two or multi-level internal atomic states as well as quantized external oscillator states. Our current interest majorly lies in implementing quantum machine learning algorithms in a co-processor architecture with classical computers. Apart from advancing the basic understanding of the algorithms, we look for practical implementation of real-world problems. Given the versatility of the trapped ion system, we also explore implementation of quantum simulation as well as quantum metrology whenever quantum information theory provides an advantage.
Group Members
Recent papers
Single atom energy-conversion device with a quantum load
Magnetic coherent population trapping in a single ion
Squeezing Enhances Quantum Synchronization
Optimization of phonon dynamics protocols in ion traps
Precision measurement of branching fractions of Ba-138(+): Testing many-body theories below the 1% level