Kwek Leong Chuan Group

Kwek Leong Chuan has received numerous awards, including Laureate of Scientia Vinces Award of the First President of the Republic of Sakha; Institute of Physics President Award, Singapore, and the National Science Award, Singapore. He is the Editor in Chief for The Physics Educator and Dandelion (Pu Gongyin) and associate editor with other journals. He is also an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Institute of Physics (UK) and the Institute of Physics Singapore. His main research interests are in foundations of quantum mechanics; quantum cryptography, quantum synchronization, quantum computation and atomtronics.
Kwek Leong Chuan Group
Quantum entanglement lies at the heart of many quantum information processors. It is still an open question how one could share or generate large-scale quantum networks of remote stationary qubits efficiently. Many of these remote quantum entanglements rely on scattering between flying qubits like photons or electrons from matter qubits like atoms or molecules. Our group is interested in various issues related to entanglement ranging from distributed quantum computation to measurement-based quantum computation to quantum metrology and hybrid quantum systems. Members of the group are also involved in quantum simulations, quantum state transfer and the investigation of open quantum systems.
Group Members
Recent papers
Convex optimization for non-equilibrium steady states on a hybrid quantum processor
Geometric and holonomic quantum computation
Stability and dynamics of many-body localized systems coupled to a small bath
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) algorithms
Atomtronic circuits: from many-body physics to quantum technologies