Gong Jiangbin Group

Gong Jiangbin received his PhD in theoretical chemical physics in 2001 from the University of Toronto. He was the Henry Croft postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and then a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Chicago before joining NUS in 2006. He won the NUS Faculty of Science Outstanding Scientist Award 2016, the Institute of Physics Singapore “World Scientific” Prize and Medal 2016 for outstanding physics research, and the Singapore National Research Foundation Investigatorship Award (class of 2017) for his project on “Quantum control approach to new topological phases of matter”. He is also appointed as Provost’s Chair Professor at the Faculty of Science for the period of July 2020 to June 2026.
Gong Jiangbin Group
Regardless of how we may interpret quantum mechanics, there are many fascinating questions concerning the dynamics of quantum systems at few-body and many-body levels. New insights into quantum dynamics can help us to understand the long-standing quantum-classical transition and lead to better strategies towards quantum computation and quantum simulation, quantum learning, and energy conversion at the nanoscale.
Ongoing research topics in Gong’s group include quantum dynamics control, quantum simulation, topological phases of matter, quantum chaos, and quantum sensing. In particular, non-equilibrium topological phases of matter are being explored for fundamental interest and for new protocols in quantum computation and quantum information transfer. How to design and then exploit new quantum measurement schemes is our long-term research agenda. We also explore innovative protocols for ultra-sensitivity quantum sensing.
Group Members
Recent papers
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Physics in the Density Fluctuations of Localized Two-Dimensional Wave Packets
Breakdown of quantization in nonlinear Thouless pumping
Adiabatic quantum learning
Critical dynamics of long-range quantum disordered systems
Photonic corner skin modes in non-Hermitian photonic crystals