
David Wilkowski Group


David Wilkowski Group

Our major research areas are on ultracold atomic gases, regrouping four major scientific axes:

  • Quantum simulation to address problems in condensed-matter physics and high energy physics in presence of non-Abelian gauge fields. We are also exploring gauge fields as a resource to create geometrical Qubits and new devices for matter-wave manipulations.
  • Quantum sensing to explore fundamental tests in physics such as equivalent principle with the strontium clock as a genuine quantum system. On a more applied side, we are investigating new accelerometers based on compact atomic interferometers.
  • Quantum processors. We are developing quantum processors with neutral atom arrays. We are targeting analog and digital units.
  • Nanophotonics systems to explore light-matter coupling in extreme regimes and create structured-light patterns for trapping and manipulating atoms at the nanometric scale.

Group Members

David Wilkowski

Principal Investigator

Kwong Chang Chi

Senior Research Fellow (SPMS, NTU)

Chen Zilong (SG)

Senior Research Fellow

Swarup Das

Research Fellow (QEP)

Vasu Dev

Research Fellow

Xia Tongyan

Research Fellow

Aliyu Mohammad Mujaheed

Research Fellow

Vincent Mancois

Research Fellow (NTU)

Lucas Gadardos

Research Fellow (NTU)

Abhishek Jamunkar

Research Assistant

Zhou Jinyu

Research Assistant

Nguyen Xuan Thanh

Research Assistant

Yang Jintao

Research Assistant

Chiranta Mitra

PhD Student (NTU)

Ma Xinyuan

CQT PhD Student

Lee Kai Xiang

CQT PhD Student

Kelvin Lim

PhD Student (NTU)

Recent papers



20 September 2022

Trembling signals how cold atoms could simulate high-energy physics


5 August 2022

Presenting CQT’s annual report for 2021


21 April 2022

CQT researchers awarded grants under Singapore’s Quantum Engineering Programme

Media, Report, Science

29 April 2021

Presenting CQT's Annual Report for 2020

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A pie chart showing the count of papers with CQT co-authors in 2024 by journal impact factor

Publications by CQT researchers during 2024 by journal impact factor (IF)​

A pie chart showing the nationality of CQTians by region of the world.

Nationalities of CQT staff and students as of 31 Dec 2024​

A pie chart showing the count of CQTians by categories

Count of CQT staff and students as of 31 Dec 2024​

*Admin count includes only staff directly employed within the Centre. HR, IT and procurement is supported by additional staff working across University centres.