Computer Science Group

Explores the intersection of computer science and quantum theory, including quantum algorithms, communication complexity, interactive proofs and quantum games.
Computer Science Group
The computer science group’s activity covers a wide range of areas in quantum computing and information theory, often in close connection with related research areas in classical theoretical computer science. We investigate quantum algorithms, complexity and quantum-safe cryptography. Quantum algorithms provide a recipe for efficiently solving practical problems on a quantum computer, of particular interest are problems which are difficult to solve on classical hardware. The study of quantum computational complexity is about understanding the fundamental limitations of information processing tasks in nature. By understanding such limits, it can offer a guide to crafting new algorithms and communication protocols. Quantum-safe cryptography is concerned with the design and the evaluation of cryptographic systems which are resistant even to quantum attacks.
Group Members
Recent papers
Divergence Inequalities with Applications in Ergodic Theory
Settling the Complexity of Testing Grainedness of Distributions, and Application to Uniformity Testing in the Huge Object Model
Quantum theory in finite dimension cannot explain every general process with finite memory
Quantum contextual bandits and recommender systems for quantum data
Entanglement monogamy via multivariate trace inequalities