Berge Englert Group

Berge Englert Group
We are investigating questions that can be grouped into two categories: (1) quantum information proper and (2) cold atoms.
A central theme is the perennial question: What can we know about a quantum system? Specific problems under study concern complementarity and its immediate consequences, such as quantitative aspects of wave-particle duality; measurement schemes for quantum state tomography; the reconstructing of quantum states from noisy and incomplete measurements; as well as the robust encoding of quantum information for the purposes of storage and processing.
We are interested in ultracold dilute gases of neutral atoms, fermions and bosons, in two-dimensional and one-dimensional geometries, which will soon be ready for experimental studies at CQT and elsewhere. The problems under study include the band structure, transport properties, and finite-temperature effects of many-atom systems in periodic lattices, such as the graphene-type honeycomb lattice; strongly interacting systems of this kind; mixtures of fermions and bosons; existence and phenomenology of the FFLO phase in one- dimensional and two-dimensional systems; superfluidity and other phases with particular properties; and analogs of the Hall and spin-Hall effects.
Recent papers
Phase separation of a repulsive two-component Fermi gas at the two- to three-dimensional crossover
Unsupervised state learning from pairs of states
Density-potential functional theory for fermions in one dimension
A density functional theory for ecology across scales
Energy functionals of single-particle densities: A unified view