Vindhiya Prakash
Preprints & Publications
Fano Resonance in Excitation Spectroscopy and Cooling of an Optically Trapped Single Atom
Chow Chang Hoong, Ng Boon Long, Vindhiya Prakash, Christian Kurtsiefer, Physical Review Research, 6, 023154 (2024)
Precise, super-resolving intensity measurement by quantum jump spectroscopy of a single neutral atom
Lorena C. Bianchet, Natalia Alves, Laura Zarraoa, Tomas Lamich, Vindhiya Prakash, Morgan W. Mitchell, Physical Review Research, 4, L042026 (2022)
Autoheterodyne Characterisation of Narrow-Band Photon Pairs
Vindhiya Prakash, A.Sierant, M.W.Mitchell, Physical Review Letters, 127, 043601 (2021)
Narrowband photon pairs with independent frequency tuning for quantum light-matter interactions
Vindhiya Prakash, L.C.Bianchet, M.Cuairan, P.Gomez, N. Bruno, M.W.Mitchell, Optics Express, Number: 26, 27, 38463-38478 (2019)
Maltese cross coupling to individual cold atoms in free space
Natalia Bruno, Lorena C. Bianchet, Nan Li, Vindhiya Prakash, Natalia Alves, Morgan W. Mitchell, Optics Express, Number: 21, 27, 31042-31052 (2019)
A minimalistic and optimized conveyor belt for neutral atoms
Ritayan Roy, Paul Constantine Condylis, Vindhiya Prakash, Daniel Sahagun Sanchez, Bjorn Hessmo, Scientific Reports, 7, 13660 (2017)