Valerio Scarani
Valerio Scarani joined NUS and CQT in 2007. He was born in Milan, Italy, in 1972. At the moment of choosing his university degree, he opted for physics with the grand dream of understanding the world. After graduating from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 1996, he heard about the birth of quantum information science, but the complexities of life led him to a pragmatic PhD thesis in the same university. So he spent the next four years of his life detecting insanely broad NMR spectra from magnetic nanostructures. He was lucky enough to be given a second chance in the year 2000, when Nicolas Gisin offered him a postdoc at the University of Geneva, to work on theoretical quantum information. His luck persists to this day.
Preprints & Publications
A Retrodictive Approach to Quantum State Smoothing
Maximal intrinsic randomness of a quantum state
Observational entropy with general quantum priors
Certification of genuine multipartite entanglement in spin ensembles with measurements of total angular momentum
Beating one bit of Communication with Quantum Correlations in Smaller Dimension
All three-angle variants of Tsirelson’s precession protocol, and improved bounds for wedge integrals of Wigner functions
Fully quantum stochastic entropy production
Certifying the quantumness of a nuclear spin qudit through its uniform precession
Dynamics-Based Entanglement Witnesses for Non-Gaussian States of Harmonic Oscillators
Dynamics-based quantumness certification of continuous variables using time-independent Hamiltonians with one degree of freedom
Quantum Bayesian Inference in Quasiprobability Representations
Neural Network Approach to the Simulation of Entangled States with One Bit of Communication
Maxwell’s Demon walks into Wall Street: Stochastic Thermodynamics meets Expected Utility Theory
Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions
Detecting quantumness in uniform precessions
Possibility of detecting the gravity of an object frozen in a spatial superposition by the Zeno effect
A device-independent quantum key distribution system for distant users
Entanglement for any definition of two subsystems
Fluctuation theorems from Bayesian retrodiction
Optimal single-shot discrimination of optical modes
Device-independent quantum key distribution with random key basis
Fluctuation Theorems with Retrodiction rather than Reverse Processes
Absolutely entangled sets of pure states for bipartitions and multipartitions
Knowledge by Direct Measurement versus Inference from Steering
Worst-case Quantum Hypothesis Testing with Separable Measurements
Extension of the Alberti-Uhlmann criterion beyond qubit dichotomies
Maxwell’s lesser demon: a quantum engine driven by pointer measurements
Surpassing the Thermal Cramer-Rao Bound with Collisional Thermometry
Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions
Nonequilibrium Dynamics with Finite-Time Repeated Interactions
Quantum gears from planar rotors
Experimental comparison of tomography and self-testing in certifying entanglement
Almost thermal operations: inhomogeneous reservoirs
Collisional quantum thermometry
Geometry of the quantum set of correlations
Work production of quantum rotor engines
Refrigeration beyond weak internal coupling
Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down conversion
Self-testing using only marginal information
The power of an optical Maxwell demon
All Pure Bipartite Entangled States can be Self-Tested
Autonomous rotor heat engine
Experimental many-pairs nonlocality
Irreducible dimension witness
Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator
Many-box locality
Rabi oscillation in a quantum cavity: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics
All the self-testings of the singlet for two binary measurements
Randomness in post-selected data
Two photons on an atomic beam splitter: Nonlinear scattering and induced correlations
Bell Correlations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Measurement-device-independent quantification of entanglement for given Hilbert space dimension
Device-independent parallel self-testing of two singlets
A new device-independent dimension witness and its experimental implementation
Non-local games and optimal steering at the boundary of the quantum set
Measurement-dependent locality beyond independent and identically distributed runs
Solving the scattering of N photons on a two-level atom without computation
Covert quantum communication
Physical characterization of quantum devices from nonlocal correlations
State complexity and quantum computation
Rectification of light in the quantum regime
Device-independent certification of the teleportation of a qubit
More Randomness from the Same Data
Bell nonlocality
Strong constraints on models that explain the violation of Bell inequalities with hidden superluminal influences
Maximal tree size of few-qubit states
Robust and versatile black-box certification of quantum devices
Quantum randomness extraction for various levels of characterization of the devices
Robust self testing of the 3-qubit W state
Proposal for Monitoring and Heralding Position States of Atoms in a One-Dimensional Waveguide
The black paper of quantum cryptography: Real implementation problems
More randomness from noisy sources
Cross time-bin photonic entanglement for quantum key distribution
Bell tests with min-entropy sources
Realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-photon entanglement
Tree-size complexity of multiqubit states
Excitation of a single atom with exponentially rising light pulses
Oblivious transfer and quantum channels as communication resources
Improved analysis of a proposal for a realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-light entanglement
One-sided Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution: Security, feasability and the connection with steering
Quantum memory with a single two-level atom in a half cavity
Nonlocality tests enhanced by a third observer
Information Causality and Extremal Tripartite Correlations
Validity of resonant two-qubit gates in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit QED
Ultrafast Quantum Gates in Circuit QED
Tomographic Quantum Cryptography Protocols are Reference Frame Independent
State-dependent atomic excitation by multi-photon pulses propagating along two spatial modes
The effects of reduced “free will” on Bell-based randomness expansion
Device-independent bounds for Hardy
Quantum nonlocality based on finite-speed causal influences leads to superluminal signaling
Robust Self Testing of the Singlet
The device-independent outlook on quantum physics (lecture notes on Bell inequalities)
Quantum networks reveal quantum nonlocality
Quantum Bell Inequalities from Macroscopic Locality
Extremal correlations of the tripartite no-signaling polytope
Comment on “Loophole-free Bell test for continuous variables via wave and particle correlations (Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 170404 (2010))”
Efficient excitation of a two level atom by a single photon in a propagating mode
Lenses as an Atom-Photon Interface: A Semiclassical Model
Large violation of Bell inequalities using both particle and wave measurements
Device-independent certification of entangled measurements
Experimentally faking the violation of Bell
Time-bin entanglement of quasi-particles in semiconductor devices
Security proof for quantum key distribution using qudit systems
Evaluation of two different entanglement measures on a bound entangled state
Reference frame independent quantum key distribution
Multipartite fully nonlocal quantum states
Local content of bipartite qubit correlations
Macroscopically local correlations can violate information causality
Finite-key security against coherent attacks in quantum key distribution
The non-locality of n noisy Popescu-Rohrlich boxes
Device independent state estimation based on Bell
Information causality as a physical principle
Recovering part of the quantum boundary from information causality
Phase shift of a weak coherent beam induced by a single atom
The security of practical quantum key distribution
Finite-key analysis for practical implementations of quantum key distribution
Interfacing light and single atoms with a lens
Device-independent quantum key distribution secure against collective attacks
Upper Bounds for the Security of two Distributed-Phase Reference Protocols of Quantum Cryptography
Local and nonlocal content of bipartite qubit and qutrit correlations
Testing the dimension of Hilbert spaces
Experimental quantum key distribution based on a Bell test
Simulation of partial entanglement with nonsignaling resources
Quantum cryptography with finite resources: Unconditional security bound for discrete-variable protocols with one-way post-processing
Testing quantum correlations versus single-particle properties within Leggett’s model and beyond
Security Bounds for Quantum Cryptography with Finite Resources
How non-local are n noisy Popescu-Rohrlich machines?
Experimental Falsification of Leggett’s Non-Local Variable Model
The Quantum Frontier
A note on quantum safe symmetric key growing
Experimental unconditionally secure covert communication in dense wavelength-division multiplexing networks
Data-driven inference and observational completeness of quantum devices
The role of photon-number pulses in the operation of a simple light diode
Information causality beyond the random access code model
A theory-independent bound saturated by quantum mechanics
Informational non-equilibrium concentration
Quantum Bayes’ rule and Petz transpose map from the minimal change principle