Ng Boon Long
Preprints & Publications
Fano Resonance in Excitation Spectroscopy and Cooling of an Optically Trapped Single Atom
Chow Chang Hoong, Ng Boon Long, Vindhiya Prakash, Christian Kurtsiefer, Physical Review Research, 6, 023154 (2024)
Observation of the Mollow Triplet from an optically confined single atom
Ng Boon Long, Chow Chang Hoong, Christian Kurtsiefer, Physical Review A, 106, 063719 (2022)
Coherence of a dynamically decoupled single neutral atom
Chow Chang Hoong, Ng Boon Long, Christian Kurtsiefer, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Number: 2, 38, 621-629 (2021)