Marco Tomamichel
Marco Tomamichel holds a joint appointment as CQT Principal Investigator and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. His research interests lie in the intersection of information theory, cryptography and quantum mechanics.
Marco received an MSc in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from ETH Zurich in 2007. He followed his interest in quantum information to graduate with a PhD in Physics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, also at ETH, in 2012. He came to CQT for a postdoctoral stint, then was a Research Fellow at the University of Sydney and an Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney before returning to NUS in 2020.
Preprints & Publications
Some properties and applications of the new quantum f-divergences
Fundamental Limit on the Power of Entanglement Assistance in Quantum Communication
Quantum contextual bandits and recommender systems for quantum data
Entanglement monogamy via multivariate trace inequalities
Fundamental limits on quantum cloning from the no-signalling principle
Quantum Renyi and f-divergences from integral representations
Linear bandits with polylogarithmic minimax regret
Quantum Channel Simulation under Purified Distance is no more difficult than State Splitting
Quantum Dichotomies and Coherent Thermodynamics beyond First-Order Asymptotics
String commitment from unstructured noisy channels
Quantum Conditional Entropies
Error exponent of activated non-signaling assisted classical-quantum channel coding
Moderate deviation expansion for fully quantum tasks
Efficient Quantum State Tracking in Noisy Environments
Privacy and correctness trade-offs for information-theoretically secure quantum homomorphic encryption
Comments on “Channel Coding Rate in the Finite Blocklength Regime”: On the Quadratic Decaying Property of the Information Rate Function
On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources
Approximate reconstructability of quantum states and noisy quantum secret sharing schemes
Chain Rules for Renyi Information Combining
Device independent security of quantum key distribution from monogamy-of-entanglement games
The tangled state of quantum hypothesis testing
A fixed-point algorithm for matrix projections with applications in quantum information
Encoding classical information into quantum resources
Optimal Adaptive Strategies for Sequential Quantum Hypothesis Testing
Fundamental Limits on Correlated Catalytic State Transformations
Chain rules for quantum channels
Learning quantum graph states with product measurements
One-Shot Point-to-Point Channel Simulation
Entropy and relative entropy from information-theoretic principles
Work fluctuations due to partial thermalizations in two-level systems
Partially smoothed information measures
Decomposition Rules for Quantum R?nyi Mutual Information with an Application to Information Exclusion Relations
Modeling and Control of a Reconfigurable Photonic Circuit using Deep Learning
Advances in Quantum Cryptography
Jointly constrained semidefinite bilinear programming with an application to Dobrushin curves
Quantum advantage with noisy shallow circuits
Optimal Extensions of Resource Measures and their Applications
An information-theoretic treatment of quantum dichotomies
Avoiding irreversibility: engineering resonant conversions of quantum resources
Moderate deviation analysis of majorisation-based resource interconversion
Minimax quantum state estimation under Bregman divergence
Efficient online quantum state estimation using a matrix-exponentiated gradient method
Quantum Markov Order
On converse bounds for classical communication over quantum channels
Non-asymptotic entanglement distillation
Quantum Sphere-Packing Bounds with Polynomial Prefactors
A minimax approach to one-shot entropy inequalities
Quantum advantage with noisy shallow circuits in 3D
Quantum Channel Simulation and the Channel\’s Smooth Max-Information
Beyond the thermodynamic limit: finite-size corrections to state interconversion rates
Beating the Classical Limits of Information Transmission using a Quantum Decoder
Capacity estimation and verification of quantum channels with arbitrarily correlated errors
Renyi divergences as weighted non-commutative vector valued L p -spaces
Operational Interpretation of R?nyi Information Measures via Composite Hypothesis Testing Against Product and Markov Distributions
Fundamental Finite Key Limits for Information Reconciliation in Quantum Key Distribution
Moderate deviation analysis for classical communication over quantum channels
Sphere-Packing Bound for Symmetric Classical-Quantum Channels
Generalized Log-Majorization and Multivariate Trace Inequalities
Gaussian hypothesis testing and quantum illumination
Multivariate Trace Inequalities
Converse bounds for private communication over quantum channels
On Variational Expressions for Quantum Relative Entropies
Entropic Uncertainty Relations and their Applications
Exponential decay of matrix ?-entropies on Markov semigroups with applications to dynamical evolutions of quantum ensembles
A largely self-contained and complete security proof for quantum key distribution
Correlation Detection and an Operational Interpretation of the R?nyi Mutual Information
Strong Converse Rates for Quantum Communication
A universal test for gravitational decoherence
Investigating properties of a family of quantum Renyi divergences
The Third-Order Term in the Normal Approximation for the AWGN Channel
Practical Relativistic Bit Commitment
Second-Order Asymptotics of Classical-Quantum Channels
Second-Order Coding Rates for Entanglement-Assisted Communication
A decoupling approach to classical data transmission over quantum channels
Entropic uncertainty from effective anticommutators
Relating different quantum generalizations of the conditional R?nyi entropy
Second-Order Coding Rates for Channels with State
Continuous Variable Entropic Uncertainty Relations in the Presence of Quantum Memory
Relating different quantum generalizations of the conditional Renyi entropy
Chain Rules for Smooth Min- and Max-Entropies
Decoupling with unitary almost two-designs
One-Sided Device-Independent QKD and Position-Based Cryptography from Monogamy Games
Secure bit commitment from relativistic constraints
Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Local Bell Test
A Monogamy-of-Entanglement Game With Applications to Device-Independent Quantum Cryptography
The Link between Entropic Uncertainty and Nonlocality
A Hierarchy of Information Quantities for Finite Block Length Analysis of Quantum Tasks
A Tight Upper Bound for the Third-Order Asymptotics for Most Discrete Memoryless Channels
Experimental bit commitment based on quantum communication and special relativity
On quantum Renyi entropies: a new generalization and some properties
A Framework for Non-Asymptotic Quantum Information Theory
Tight Finite-Key Analysis for Quantum Cryptography
Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution: Finite-Key Analysis of Composable Security against Coherent Attacks
Impossibility of Growing Quantum Bit Commitments
The Uncertainty Relation for Smooth Entropies
Leftover Hashing Against Quantum Side Information
Duality Between Smooth Min- and Max-Entropies
A Fully Quantum Asymptotic Equipartition Property
Analysis of Gain and Luminescence in Violet and Blue GaInN—GaN Quantum Wells
Moderate Deviation Analysis for Quantum State Transfer
Sequential Quantum Channel Discrimination
New additivity properties of the relative entropy of entanglement and its generalizations
Channel Simulation: Finite Blocklengths and Broadcast Channels
Asymptotic and catalytic matrix majorization
Mixed-state additivity properties of magic monotones based on quantum relative entropies for single-qubit states and beyond
Lower Bounds on Error Exponents via a New Quantum Decoder
On the composable security of weak coin flipping
Learning pure quantum states (almost) without regret
A Limit on the Power of Entanglement-Assistance in Quantum Communication
Continuity of entropies via integral representations