Kyle Arnold
Preprints & Publications
176Lu+ clock comparison at the 10-18 level via correlation spectroscopy
Branching fractions for P 3/2 decays in Ba +
Precision Measurements of the 138 Ba + 6 s 2 S 1 / 2 ??’ 5 d 2 D 5 / 2 Clock Transition
Magic wavelength of the 138 Ba + 6 s 2 S 1 / 2 — 5 d 2 D 5 / 2 clock transition
Hyperfine averaging by dynamic decoupling in a multi-ion lutetium clock
Hyperfine-mediated effects in a Lu+ optical clock
Precision measurement of the 3D1 and 3D2 quadrupole moments in Lu+
Precision measurements on the $^{138}$Ba$^+$ $6s^2S_{1/2}-5d^2D_{5/2}$ clock transition
Dynamic polarizability measurements with 176Lu+
Oscillating quadrupole effects in high precision metrology
Spectroscopy of the 1 S 0 ??’ 1 D 2 clock transition in 176 Lu +
Suppressing inhomogeneous broadening in a lutetium multi-ion optical clock
Polarizability assessments of ion-based optical clocks
Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock
Dicke model simulation via cavity-assisted Raman transitions
Oscillating magnetic field effects in high precision metrology
Nonequilibrium phase transition in a spin-1 Dicke model
Laser Spectroscopy of 176 Lu +
Atomic properties of Lu+
Suppression of Clock Shifts at Magnetic Field Insensitive Points
Observation of the 1 S 0 to 3 D 1 clock transition in 175 Lu+
Prospects for atomic clocks based on large ion crystals
Realization of the Dicke model using cavity-assisted Raman transitions
Self-Organization Threshold Scaling For Thermal Atoms
All-Optical BEC in a 1.06 ?m dipole trap
Collective Cavity QED with Multiple Atomic Levels