Dagomir Kaszlikowski
Preprints & Publications
Electric-magnetic duality of Z2 symmetry enriched cyclic Abelian lattice gauge theory
Antilinear superoperator and quantum geometric invariance for higher-dimensional quantum systems
The spatiotemporal doubled density operator: a unified framework for analyzing spatial and temporal quantum processes
Weak Hopf symmetry and tube algebra of the generalized multifusion string-net model
Shedding light on the future: exploring quantum neural networks through optics
Weak Hopf symmetry and tube algebra of the generalized multifusion string-net model
Boundary and domain wall theories of 2d generalized quantum double model
Quantum Bayesian Inference in Quasiprobability Representations
On weak Hopf symmetry and weak Hopf quantum double model
Quantum space-time marginal problem: global causal structure from local causal information
Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions
Sculpting out quantum correlations with bosonic subtraction
Fidelity deviation in quantum teleportation
Generalized Probabilistic Description of Noninteracting Identical Particles
Bell monogamy relations in arbitrary qubit networks
Complementarity Relations Between Quantum Steering Criteria
Nonlocal bunching of composite bosons
Entanglement witness via symmetric two-body correlations
Probing the quantum-classical boundary with compression software
Duality in entanglement of macroscopic states of light
State-recycling method for testing quantum contextuality
Information-theoretic Bell inequalities based on Tsallis entropy
Entropic Tests of Multipartite Nonlocality and State-Independent Contextually
Quantum phase estimation using a multi-headed cat state
Quantum information approach to Bose-Einstein condensation of composite bosons
Entropic tests of multipartite nonlocality and state-independent contextuality
Fundamental Monogamy Relation between Contextuality and Nonlocality
Contextuality in Bosonic Bunching
Information-theoretic metric as a tool to investigate nonclassical correlations
Unified approach to contextuality, nonlocality, and temporal correlations
Reply to Comment on “Contextuality in bosonic bunching”
Optimal Asymmetric Quantum Cloning
Identifying quantumness via addition-then-subtraction operation
The relation between nonlocality and contextuality for a biphoton
Comment on “Quantum Coherence and Sensitivity of Avian Magnetoreception” Reply
An experimental proposal for revealing contextuality in almost all qutrit states
On the problem of contextuality in macroscopic magnetization measurements
Coherent states of composite bosons
Hidden-variable problem for a continuous family of spin-1 measurements
Quantum coherence and sensitivity of avian magnetoreception
Generalized Monogamy of Contextual Inequalities from the No-Disturbance Principle
Particle addition and subtraction channels and the behavior of composite particles
Contextuality of almost all qutrit states can be revealed with nine observables
Entropic Test of Quantum Contextuality
Correlation complementarity yields Bell monogamy relations
Local Realism of Macroscopic Correlations
Reference frames for Bell inequality violation in the presence of superselection rules
Criteria for two distinguishable fermions to form a boson
Comment on “Quantum Correlation without Classical Correlation” Reply
Information causality as a physical principle
Optimal Cloning and Singlet Monogamy
Entanglement in doped resonating valence bond states
Generalized flying-qudit scheme in arbitrary dimensions
Quantum Correlation Without Classical Correlations
Wave-particle duality in multi-path interferometers: General concepts and three-path interferometers
Comment on “Regional Versus Global Entanglement in Resonating-Valence-Bond States”
A witness of multipartite entanglement strata
An N-Qubit Entanglement Witness Based on N-point Correlation Functions
Multi-component Bell inequality and its violation for continuous-variable systems
Asymmetric multipartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states and Bell inequalities
Three-qutrit correlations violate local realism more strongly than those of three qubits
Criteria for two distinguishable fermions to behave like a boson
Emergence of non-contextuality in macroscopic systems
Entropic Version of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger Paradox
Quantum information approach to Bose-Einstein condensate of composite bosons
Quantum-information-theoretic approach to the signalling time of cryptochromes in Arabidopsis thaliana
Quantum phase estimation with four-headed cat states
Cryptographic security of the quantum key distribution from the triangle inequality
On compression of non-classically correlated bit strings
The triangle principle: a new approach to non-contextuality and local realism
Composite Particles and the Szilard Engine
Recent advances in contextuality tests
Entanglement conditions involving intensity correlations of optical fields: the case of multi-port interferometry
Quantum information approach to Bose-Einstein condensation of composite bosons
Wringing Out Better No-signaling Monogamies