Berge Englert
Preprints & Publications
Unsupervised state learning from pairs of states
Density-potential functional theory for fermions in one dimension
Energy functionals of single-particle densities: A unified view
Contactium: A strongly correlated model system
Single-particle-exact density functional theory
Checking the Model and the Prior for the Constrained Multinomial
Using prior expansions for prior-data conflict checking
Randomized linear gate set tomography
User-specified random sampling of quantum channels and its applications
Fourth-order leapfrog algorithms for numerical time evolution of classical and quantum systems
Direct estimation of minimum gate fidelity
Proper error bars for self-calibrating quantum tomography
Unambiguous path discrimination in a two-path interferometer
Systematic corrections to the Thomas-Fermi approximation without a gradient expansion
Experimental investigation of quantum key distribution protocols with twisted photons
Past of a quantum particle revisited
Airy-averaged gradient corrections for two-dimensional fermion gases
Measuring Quantum Correlations using Lossy Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors with Saturation
Implementing a neutral-atom controlled-phase gate with a single Rydberg pulse
Leading gradient correction to the kinetic energy for two-dimensional fermion gases
Photon-number-resolving detectors and their role in quantifying quantum correlations
Optimal error intervals for properties of the quantum state
Monte Carlo sampling from the quantum state space. I
Monte Carlo sampling from the quantum state space. II
Least-bias state estimation with incomplete unbiased measurements
Optimality of entropic uncertainty relations
Experimental detection of entanglement with optimal-witness families
Raman transitions: Adiabatic elimination revisited
Raman transitions without adiabatic elimination: A simple and accurate treatment
One-dimensional transport revisited: A simple and exact solution for phase disorder
On Quantum Theory
Optimal error regions for quantum state estimation
Controllable generation of mixed two-photon states
Symmetric minimal quantum tomography by successive measurements
Experimental proposal for symmetric minimal two-qubit state tomography
Incomplete quantum state estimation: a comprehensive study
Micromotion in trapped atom-ion systems
Minimax mean estimator for the trine
A simple minimax estimator for quantum states
Verification of state and entanglement with incomplete tomography
Efficient quantum key distribution with trines of reference-frame-free qubits
Long-lived qubit from three spin-1/2 atoms
Knowledge and ignorance in incomplete quantum state tomography
Test-State Approach to the Quantum Search Problem
Mutually unbiased bases in dimension six: The four most distant bases
Quantum State Tomography with Joint SIC POMs and Product SIC POMs
Hybrid Quantum Computation
Encoding many qubits in a rotor
Product measurements and fully symmetric measurements in qubit-pair tomography: A numerical study
Average transmission probability of a random stack
How well can you know the edge of a quantum pyramid?
Structure of two-qubit symmetric informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures
On mutually unbiased bases
Minimal tomography with entanglement witnesses
Density Functional of a Two-Dimensional Gas of Dipolar Atoms: Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Treatment
Optimal Lewenstein-Sanpera decomposition of two-qubit states using semidefinite programming
Ultracold Fermions in a Graphene-Type Lattice
Symmetric construction of reference-frame-free qudits
Wave-particle duality in multi-path interferometers: General concepts and three-path interferometers
Electron Transport in Nanosystems
Path distinguishability in double scattering of light by atoms
Periodic and discrete Zak bases
Single-Loop Interferometer for Minimal Ellipsometry
Comment on "Minimum Uncertainty and Entanglement"
SeCQC: An open-source program code for the numerical Search for the classical Capacity of Quantum Channels
Giant spin Hall conductivity in platinum at room temperature
SOMIM: An open-source program code for the numerical Search for Optimal Measurements by an Iterative Method
Quantum state tomography: Mean squared error matters, bias does not
Checking for prior-data conflict using prior to posterior divergences
Random samples of quantum states: Online resources
The Statistical Atom
Very strong evidence in favor of quantum mechanics and against local hidden variables from a Bayesian analysis
Uncorrelated problem-specific samples of quantum states from zero-mean Wishart distributions