Alexander Ling
Professor Alexander Ling is a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Quantum Technologies, and a member of the Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore. He was previously Chief Scientific Officer for the National Quantum Office, and Director of the Quantum Engineering Programme. In 2024, he was named as a Distinguished International Associate of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering. His research interests are in global quantum networks enabled with satellites, repeaters and memories. He is also co-founder of two quantum technology spinoffs.
Preprints & Publications
Highly nondegenerate polarization-entangled photon pairs produced through noncritical phasematching in single-domain KTiOPO4
QUICK3 — Design of a satellite-based quantum light source for quantum communication and extended physical theory tests in space
Demonstration of a low loss, highly stable and re-useable edge coupler for high heralding efficiency and low g(2)(0) SOI correlated photon pair sources
A privacy-preserving publicly verifiable quantum random number generator
Impact of polarization mode dispersion on entangled photon distribution
Polarization-encoded quantum key distribution with a room-temperature telecom single-photon emitter
Optical Mode Control, Switching and Shaping In Few Mode Fiber Using a Fiber Piano
Shaping single photons through multimode optical fibers using mechanical perturbations
Satellite-Based Quantum Key Distribution in the Presence of Bypass Channels
Boosting Topological Zero Modes Using Elastomer Waveguide Arrays
Fine-grained All-fiber Nonlocal Dispersion Compensation in the Telecommunications O-Band
Optimizing all-fiber nonlocal dispersion compensation for quantum communication networks: strategies and tools
High quality entanglement distribution through telecommunication fiber using near-infrared non-degenerate photon pairs
Entangled Photon-Pair Sources based on three-wave mixing in bulk crystals
Fibre polarization state compensation in entanglement-based quantum key distribution
Prototype of a compact rubidium-based optical frequency reference for operation on nanosatellites
Realizing quantum nodes in space for cost-effective, global quantum communication: in-orbit results and next steps
Mapping a photonic random walk by tuning the coupling coefficient
Broadband pumped polarization entangled photon-pair source in a linear beam displacement interferometer
Experimental conversion of position correlation into polarization entanglement
Entanglement demonstration on board a nano-satellite
Stable Polarization Entanglement based Quantum Key Distribution over Metropolitan Fibre Network
Characterizing nonlocal dispersion compensation in deployed telecommunications fiber
Design considerations for an optical link supporting intersatellite quantum key distribution
Experimental comparison of tomography and self-testing in certifying entanglement
Elastomeric waveguide on-chip coupling of an encapsulated MoS$_2$ monolayer
Satellite quantum communications when man-in-the-middle attacks are excluded
Enhancing SPDC brightness using elliptical pump shapes
Experimental entangled photon pair generation using crystals with parallel optical axes
Optimal spatial filtering for a bright entangled photon source
Experimental distillation of bi-partite polarization entanglement using polarizing Mach-Zehnder interferometers
SpooQySats: CubeSats to demonstrate quantum key distribution technologies
CubeSat quantum communications mission
Progress in satellite quantum key distribution
Tracking capacitance of liquid crystal devices to improve polarization rotation accuracy
Breakdown flash at telecom wavelengths in InGaAs avalanche photodiodes
Mechanically tunable integrated beamsplitters on a flexible polymer platform
Correcting for accidental correlations in saturated avalanche photodiodes
The thick-crystal regime in photon pair sources
The next iteration of the small photon entangling quantum system (SPEQS-2.0)
The photon pair source that survived a rocket explosion
Generation and analysis of correlated pairs of photons on board a nanosatellite
Fault-tolerant and finite-error localization for point emitters within the diffraction limit
Nanosatellite experiments to enable future space-based QKD missions
Nanosatellites for quantum science and technology
Radiation tolerance of opto-electronic components proposed for space-based quantum key distribution
Single photon counting for space based quantum experiments
Deploying quantum light sources on nanosatellites I: lessons and perspectives on the optical system
Deploying quantum light sources on nanosatellites II: lessons and perspectives on CubeSat spacecraft
Space qualified nanosatellite electronics platform for photon pair experiments
Radiation tolerance of opto-electronic components proposed for space-based quantum key distribution
Near-space flight of a correlated photon system
Silicon avalanche photodiode operation and lifetime analysis for small satellites
Quantum optics for space platforms
Coalescence of single photons emitted by disparate single photon source: the example of InAs quantum dots and parametric down-conversion sources
Bias voltage control of an avalanche photo-diode using a window comparator.
Bias voltage Control of Avalanche Photo-Diode Using a Window Comparator
Heralded, pure-state single-photon source based on a Potassium Titanyl Phosphate waveguide
Enhancing image contrast using coherent states and photon number resolving detectors
Two photon interference from separate quantum dots
A versatile waveguide source of photon pairs for chipscale quantum information processing.
Mode expansion and Bragg filtering for a high-fidelity fiber-based photon-pair source
Experimental quantum key distribution based on a Bell test
Wigner tomography of two qubit states and quantum cryptography
Testing quantum correlations versus single-particle properties within Leggett’s model and beyond
Absolute emission rates of spontaneous parametric down conversion into single transverse Gaussian modes
Experimental Falsification of Leggett’s Non-Local Variable Model
Experimental Polarization State Tomography using Optimal Polarimeters
An Optimal Photon Counting Polarimeter
Preparation of Bell States with Controlled White Noise
Free space quantum cryptography using compact polarization entangled photon pair source
Three-qutrit correlations violate local realism more strongly than those of three qubits
A note on quantum safe symmetric key growing
Demonstrating Miniaturised, entangled photon-pair sources on board nano satellites to enable future QKD missions
SpooQySats: cubesats to demonstrate quantum key distribution technologies
SpooQySats: CubeSats to demonstrate quantum key distribution technologies
Satellite constellations for trusted node QKD networks
Thermo-mechanical design for a miniaturized quantum light source on board the SpooQy-1 CubeSat
Mode-center Placement of Monolayer WS$_{2}$ in a Photonic Polymer Waveguide
A CubeSat platform for space based quantum key distribution
Advances in Space Quantum Communications
Finite resource performance of small satellite-based quantum key distribution missions
Realizing a robust, reconfigurable active quenching design for multiple architectures of single-photon avalanche detectors
First demonstration of a post-quantum key-exchange with a nanosatellite
Shaping Single Photons through Multimode Optical Fibers using Mechanical Perturbations
Demonstration of entanglement distribution over 155 km metropolitan fiber using a silicon nanophotonic chip