Presenting CQT’s Annual Report for 2020
Rounding up a year like no other in CQT’s history, our report highlights research that continued through a pandemic and the handover of our Directorship

"One lesson we all know: science is truly unstoppable. The year of the pandemic has been a time of dramatic actions in quantum research. We went through a very difficult year, full of constraints and isolation, while interest for quantum technologies percolated in the minds of decision makers…Quantum is on the rise."
So writes José Ignacio Latorre in opening the CQT Annual Report 2020, in his first Director's Letter since taking leadership of the Centre in July 2020. Read the full letter, along with highlights of the centre's science, statistics on our activities and news about our people in the report. The CQT Annual Report 2020 is available to download as a PDF.
Features include:
- An interview with CQT Director José Ignacio Latorre on his past, passions and vision (this Q&A is also readable online)
- An exploration of the tools that power science, featuring work at CQT on advanced instruments and the spin-off company S-Fifteen
- A graphical guide to a supremely sensitive gravimeter developed by CQT PI Rainer Dumke and PhD student Oon Fong En
- An introduction to the second phase of the Quantum Engineering Programme, funded with $96.6 million over five years and Directed by CQT PI Alexander Ling
- Facts and figures on our publications, industry engagement, outreach and awards
Reports for previous years are also available.