
20 May 2020

CQT welcomes three new Principal Investigators

Researchers will lead groups in quantum computing, quantum communication and information theory

From left, Yvonne Gao, Marco Tomamichel and Charles Lim will be leading research groups in quantum computing, quantum communication and information theory.

The Centre for Quantum Technologies is growing. On 20 May, we welcomed three new Principal Investigators (PIs) who will lead research groups in quantum computing, quantum communication and information theory. They bring to 24 the number of PIs working at CQT.

Yvonne Gao brings to CQT and the NUS Department of Physics a background in the design and testing of superconducting qubits. She is a recipient of a fellowship from the National Research Foundation (NRF), class of 2020, for research “Enabling Scalable Quantum Computation via a Programmable Quantum Router”. Learn more in her interview.

Marco Tomamichel, a former CQT Research Fellow who moved into a faculty role in Australia, returns to CQT with co-appointment in the NUS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Marco has expertise in quantum information theory, including its applications in communication and cryptography. Hear more from him.

Charles Lim is appointed a Principal Investigator from his former position as CQT Fellow. He shares an appointment with the NUS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where he has established research in theoretical and practical quantum communication with funding from Singapore’s Quantum Engineering Programme and an NRF Fellowship, class of 2019. Read our interview with Charles.

Our new PIs will be recruiting research staff and students. Candidates with enthusiasm and relevant experience may contact the PIs directly or check our jobs listings for opportunities.

Update: watch recordings of the PIs’ inaugural lectures online…



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