Quantum cryptography features in NUS exhibition
The “Building Our Nation through Science and Technology” exhibition is being hosted at the University Cultural Centre and shopping centres across Singapore

The "Building Our Nation through Science and Technology" exhibition is being hosted at the University Cultural Centre and shopping centres across Singapore
10 April 2015
CQT's contribution to the NUS exhibition "Building Our Nation through Science and Technology" included this set of short videos introducing quantum cryptography.
CQT's research in quantum cryptography is featured in a National University of Singapore exhibition, organised as part of the celebrations for the University's 110th anniversary and Singapore's 50th birthday.
The NUS exhibition, entitled "Building Our Nation through Science and Technology", is happening at the University Cultural Centre 9–18 April. Selected exhibits, including displays on quantum cryptography, will then spend time at some of Singapore's busy shopping malls.
The NUS anniversary celebrations have the theme "Because we care". In speeches at the official opening on 9 April, NUS President Tan Chorh Chuan and Exhibition Organising Committee Chair Professor Victor Shim said the exhibition showcased University research contributions to Singapore's development. They also explained that the exhibition was designed to offer 'wow factor', featuring more than 20 projects from three faculties across five themes. Those themes are Digital Nation, Healthy Nation, Multimedia Nation, Smart Nation and Sustainable Nation.
Appearing in the Digital Nation section, the quantum cryptography display introduces the idea that the privacy of people's data can be protected by physics. The exhibit features on touchscreens an interactive visual analogue of cryptography with a one-time pad (inspired by this website) and short films of CQTians telling stories of cryptography from ancient history to current quantum research. The CQTians in the films are Artur Ekert, Christian Kurtsiefer, Alexander Ling, Valerio Scarani, Jamie Sikora and Aarthi Sundaram. Watch the videos on CQT's YouTube channel.
The display also highlights CQT Principal Investigator Alexander Ling's project to develop quantum communication technology for satellites. As well as video about the project, there is a model of his Small Photon-Entangling Quantum System built by PhD student Aitor Villar. The payload is slated for launch in a satellite after December 2015. A large balloon in the display calls to mind its test-flights to above 35km tethered beneath a weather balloon.
Other NUS research in the exhibit includes a robotic fish capable of 3D motion underwater, genetics research aimed at improving rice plants and software called Draco for creating animated drawings.
After the exhibition closes at NUS, it will be at shopping centres:
- 27 April – 3 May at VivoCity
- 27 May – 2 June at Great World City
Pictured below are CQT PhD student Tang Zhongkan and Outreach Manager Jenny Hogan at the exhibition opening.